
Chancenkarte / Opportunity Card

09.07.2024 - Article

The German Embassy in Phnom Penh has generated this information leaflet. The Embassy is responsible for visa applications of those applicants who reside in the Kingdom of Cambodia. The application form needs to be filled out online National Visa Application Form and printed out.

Applicants are requested to carefully read the general information sheet for National (long-term) visa for Germany (which can be downloaded from our website).

Please note that incomplete applications cannot be accepted.

Additional Information:

A Job Search Opportunity Card Visa can be issued for:

a) academic professionals (university graduates) holding a German or a recognized comparable academic degree or a holder of a vocational or professional qualification recognized by the competent German authority as equivalent to a German qualification. and

b) skilled workers, who completed a vocational training, which is recognized in the country, where it was obtained from.

These visas are issued for a minimum of 6 months and a maximum of twelve months for the purpose of seeking employment corresponding with the applicants’ qualification in Germany. The visa can be converted into a residence permit once employment has been found.

If you wish to work in a so-called regulated profession (e.g., in health care), you must have either obtained, or have been assured that you will be given, written permission to exercise your profession (Berufsausübungserlaubnis).

General information on is available via the portal for Job Search Opportunity Card , where a Self-Check Tool is available.

All information regarding the Chancenkarte / Opportunity Card can be found: here. The link provides you with the possibility of doing a self-check on whether you qualify or not. If you do not qualify for the Chancenkarte / Opportunity Card please refrain from applying.

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