
Au Pair


General Information

With an au pair stay with a host family in Germany, young people can deepen their knowledge of German and get to know German culture.
The requirements for an au pair stay in Germany from 6 to 12 months are as follows:
You are 18 to 26 years old when you submit your visa application and have A1 knowledge of the German language. The host family has at least one minor child and their communication language is German. There is no kinship between you and the host family.

Please submit the following documents for your application, one original with one copy of each original in paper format A4:

  • Application form (VIDEX) completely filled in and signed
  • Two biometrical passport photos, one of which glued to the application form, not older than 6 months. (strict requirements, see details)
  • Valid national passport
  • Visa fee 75 EUR, payable in USD

  • Your Au-pair contract, which has to be signed by both parties and which should contain information concerning the duration, the number of working hours per week with detailed weekly schedule and the amount of the pocket money you will receive from the host parents.

  • Au-pair Questionnaire for the host family

  • Au-pair Insurance of the host family for the Au-pair covering Health insurance, Liability insurance and Accident insurance

  • Certificate of residence (Meldebescheinigung) from your host family (including children), not older than one year.

  • Letter of motivation, informing about your reasons for the intended stay as Au-pair

  • Curriculum vitae in tabular form

  • If available, proof of your qualification, e. g. High School diploma, certificate of vocational training, studies and internships (only those with a minimum duration of six months)

  • A1 Certificate from an ALTE-certified language school (Goethe Institut, ÖSD, telc, TestDaF, ECL). The certificate should not be older than one year. If you submit your application without an A1 Certificate, your language skills will be tested at the counter of the Embassy.

You must submit your application personally at the German Embassy. Once you have obtained all necessary documents, please register for an appointment here.

Please note:

Incomplete applications will be decided by the Embassy on the basis of the documents that were submitted, and may be rejected.

You can apply without a pre-approval of German authorities. Approval will be obtained during the visa process.

The current amount of the pocket money is 280 EUR per month. It is the obligation of the host parents, to pay for your language course a minimum of 70 EUR per month and to cover the transportation costs to the language course and, as well, to contract a health insurance for you at their own expenses. You should at least have one and a half day off per week.

Foreign documents which were neither issued in the Cambodia nor in Germany must be legalized or have an apostille.

Documents which are not in German or English language need to be translated by a recognized translator. For details, please see here.

Please note that the Embassy can request further documents.

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